Rome, God’s Final Empire

The Book of Daniel and The Revelation to John are the two defining books concerning the history and future fate of earth. Revelation 6 and the first four seals take up at the time of the events described in the second half of Daniel 9:26 with the brief statement, “… even to the end there will be war; desolations are determined. This statement by Daniel is further expanded by Jesus in Matthew 24:4-14. It reads,

And Jesus answered and said to them, “See to it that no one misleads you. 5 For many will come in My name, saying, ‘I am the Christ,’ and will mislead many. 6 You will be hearing of wars and rumors of wars. See that you are not frightened, for those things must take place, but that is not yet the end. 7 For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom, and in various places there will be famines and earthquakes. 8 But all these things are merely the beginning of birth pangs … 14 This gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all the nations, and then the end will come. (NASB).

It has never been the purpose of God to write a complete history of Western or Middle Eastern civilization. He deals with the defining points of His hand in history. He has defined the roll of the church throughout time, but the larger picture is in His hands and will fit His outline given to us by the prophets. This outline is given to Daniel beginning with his own time concerning four kingdoms or empires. The last of these four will encompass the first and second advents of Messiah.

Daniel’s First Kingdom Identified

Reading from Daniel chapters 2, 7 ,8 and 9 we learn of these four kingdoms that were revealed to Daniel through the vision of Nebuchadnezzar’s statue of gold, silver, bronze, and iron mixed with clay.  Daniel, as a young man, was given an interpretation of this dream, and later in life, he also received several visions concerning the same topic given directly to him by God. The interpretation of the first part of the statue in Daniel 2:38 was that Nebuchadnezzar was the golden head of the statue he envisioned. Three more empires were to follow of which Daniel gave details without naming them. The final empire as well as the previous ones were destroyed by a mountainous power that lasts forever. This context was of an end time event, Daniel 2:44-45. Nebuchadnezzar was very pleased with Daniel’s description and made him a high ruler in Babylon (603 B.C.).

Two More Kingdoms Identified

Some 50 years later, now elderly and under Belshazzar, the final ruler of Babylon, he receives a vision of four beasts. These parallel the parts of the statue in chapter 2. The lion with the eagle wings was a well-known image of civilizations of the Tigris-Euphrates region representing Babylon. The bear, Persia, had three ribs in its mouth symbolizing Cyrus’s conquest of the Medes, Lydia, and the Neo-Babylonian Empire. It is clear looking back on history that the third beast with its four wings is Greece which was split by his four generals after Alexander. These last two identifications will be confirmed in chapter 8. The fourth creature is only identified as a terrifying beast with iron teeth and ten horns who tramples down the other the beasts. Two years later, Daniel records a vision of a ram and a shaggy goat. The shaggy goat tramples the ram then breaks his horn and four more spring up. Finally, out of one of the horns, another springs up to become more powerful than the rest and approaches Jerusalem to profane the temple. Then finally, the angel showing him all these visions has mercy on him and reveals their meaning. The ram and the goat were revealed to be Medo-Persia and Greece. The third character, the horn, is now revealed as a king. The identifying traits of the king fit with Antiochus Epiphanes, a Roman vassal of the mid-second century. His character has a strong resemblance to the beast of Revelation. The baton pass of this final king to the antichrist of Revelation is made in Daniel 8:17 where the event is relegated to the “time of the end.”

The Seventieth Week and the Fourth Beast

Daniel 9:24 “Seventy weeks have been decreed for your people and your holy city, to finish the transgression, to make an end of sin, to make atonement for iniquity, to bring in everlasting righteousness, to seal up vision and prophecy and to anoint the most holy place. 25 So you are to know and discern that from the issuing of a decree to restore and rebuild Jerusalem until Messiah the Prince there will be seven weeks and sixty-two weeks; it will be built again, with plaza and moat, even in times of distress. 26 Then after the sixty-two weeks the Messiah will be cut off and have nothing, and the people of PRINCE WHO IS TO COME will destroy the city and the sanctuary (completed by Rome 70 A.D.). And its end will come with a flood; even to the end there will be war; desolations are determined. 27 And he (refer back – THE PRINCE WHO IS TO COME) will make a firm covenant with the many for one week, but in the middle of the week he will put a stop to sacrifice and grain offering; and on the wing of abominations will come one who makes desolate, even until a complete destruction, one that is decreed, is poured out on the one who makes desolate.”

Chapter 9 Introduces the seventy-weeks prophecy with the gap between the “cutting off” of the messiah at the sixty-ninth week and the rest of history ending with week seventy. This is all revealed in Daniel 9:26-27 and further explained in Daniel 12 concerning the end time. We then overlay the fourth kingdom, the one following Greece, with the events in Daniel 9:26-27 focusing on the “prince who is to come (NASB)” who will destroy the city of Jerusalem followed by a period of wars and desolations. Then, after this period, the final seventieth week begins. Then this same prince (“he” v.27) makes a covenant with Israel which he breaks in the middle of the seventieth week. History tells us the city of Jerusalem was overrun and destroyed by Rome in 70 A.D. It is reasonable to conclude from this prophecy that Jerusalem  and its temple must be restored in the future for the events predicted in verse 27 to take place. The PRINCE WHO IS TO COME will continue the Roman persecution of Jerusalem during the final seventieth week.

Connecting to the End Time, the Fourth Kingdom

Daniel 7:23 “Thus he said: ‘The fourth beast will be a fourth kingdom on the earth, which will be different from all the other kingdoms and will devour the whole earth and tread it down and crush it. … 25 … and they will be given into his hand for a time, times, and half a time. 26 But the court will sit for judgment, and his dominion will be taken away, annihilated and destroyed forever. 27 Then the sovereignty, the dominion and the greatness of all the kingdoms under the whole heaven will be given to the people of the saints of the Highest One; His kingdom will be an everlasting kingdom, and all the dominions will serve and obey Him.’

The term “time, times, and half a time” repeats in chapters 9 and 12 connecting to this event perpetrated by the fourth kingdom. The reference to the judgment, annihilation forever, and the everlasting kingdom coordinate with end time declaration of Daniel 12. Thus, we more than infer that Rome is involved in the end time saga and deserves to be followed in history as a biblically evolving force.

Another End Time Connection

Daniel 12 “Now at that time Michael, the great prince who stands guard over the sons of your people, will arise. And there will be a time of distress such as never occurred since there was a nation until that time; and at that time your people, everyone who is found written in the book, will be rescued. 2 Many of those who sleep in the dust of the ground will awake, these to everlasting life, but the others to disgrace and everlasting contempt. 3 Those who have insight will shine brightly like the brightness of the expanse of heaven, and those who lead the many to righteousness, like the stars forever and ever. 4 But as for you, Daniel, conceal these words and seal up the book until the end of time; many will go back and forth, and knowledge will increase.”

Further details of this abomination that is to take place are revealed in Daniel 12 which deals with the latter half of week seventy. Daniel 12:1-4 further confirms this week is set in the end times. Pulling together these several visions of Daniel allows us to confidently state that the fourth kingdom, Rome, and its prince, a human ruler led by Satan, will extend to the end times.

A Small Slice of Rome After the Fall

Now we look to history to see if the continuation of this fourth and final empire is a historical reality, or was it replaced with by a fifth that followed? The Rome that crucified Christ continued until the fourth century A.D. when Constantine legalized Christianity. It then continued with some interruption until its alleged fall in 476 A.D. to Germanic barbarians from the north. By this point in time though, Rome was larger than just the western portion of the empire. It extended all the way to Constantinople its eastern capital. The history of the western Roman Empire gets very complicated during the next few centuries with multiple turnovers of power. By the time of the conquest by the Lombards, Italy has become largely depopulated due to wars with Goths and famine. As the Lombards move into the area, they find little resistance. They held to an Arian Christian faith as opposed to the Nicene faith of the Catholics. Many Lombards were still pagan. God’s hand was manifested in the marriage of Catholic Princess Theolinda to the Arian Lombard King Autari in 588 A.D. Autari passed just two years later, but Theolinda continued to spread Catholic influence over the land for the next thirty-eight years. Through Theolinda and other influences, by the end of the 8th century, the Lombards were almost completely catholicized.  They continued to rule until political strife between Pope Adrian and the Lombard King Desiderius brought things to a head. The pope sent message to the Frankish King Charlemagne who defeated Desiderius and, after restoring order among some rebellious dukes, reclaimed Italy in 776 A.D. After Charlemagne defeats the Lombards, he surprisingly declares himself King of the Lombards rather than emperor of Rome. This is likely a smart move to pacify the country, especially as over the last century the Lombards had become increasingly catholicized and in line with the western church. He goes on to reunite the lands of the former Roman Empire and establishes it as the Holy Roman Empire. The eastern Roman empire has remained intact during this time. The Holy Roman Empire continued throughout the Medieval period, into the Renaissance, and on to modernity. Napoleon’s quest for emperorship brought an end to the Holy Roman Emperor’s wider rule. Napoleon was looking forward, not to continue the Holy Roman Empire, but to remake it in his own image. This would have resulted in a fifth empire not in line with Biblical Prophecy. Hitler, a little over a century later, made a similar attempt amplified by the attempted extermination of all Jews. This was a factor not in line with God’s plan. Both Napoleon and Hitler were far along in their plans. Britain and America, respectively, became forces moved by God’s hand to halt these attempts at a fifth empire. Francis II was the last to officially hold the title Holy Roman Emperor which he abdicated in 1806. The Blessed Charles of Austria (Charles I and IV) (1887–1922), the last to have the right to the abdicated title of Holy Roman Emperor dissolved his monarchy in 1919. The kings that held the right to the title had been of the Hapsburg line in Austria. It is interesting to note that Hapsburgs are still active in European politics here in the 21st century.

A Third Roman Empire?

Events of the catastrophic level described in Revelation 6:12-18 are likely responsible for great disruption throughout the planet. The resulting chaos is likely to topple governments and produce grabs for power in many nations. This may be the opportunity for the man of lawlessness, described as the antichrist, to begin to make his move. He apparently comes to power through intrigue. What shape will the European Union take at this time? According to Revelation it appears there will be a ten-nation confederacy of some sort and a consolidation of several of the nations into one of which the beast is the head. He, through flattery, will ultimately become not just a leader but the dictatorial emperor of the resurrected Roman Empire by whatever name it should call itself. At the time, he may seem a modern-day Charlemagne, but he will be no Charlemagne. Ultimately, he will resemble more, der fuhrer of the Third Reich.

Living in Bible Times

As Christians and devoted readers of scripture, we often try our best to imagine what it would have been like to live in Bible times. In the last century, there have been numerous attempts at reenacting the gospel story in film. We wonder, “Was that director’s version of events really accurate for the times and culture?” What would it have been like to actually live in Bible times? When did biblical times end? Was it at the crucifixion? Was it when, as Christ foretold, Jerusalem was again destroyed? Was it with Apostle John on the Island of Patmos?

Living in Modern times

If someone were to ask you what era in history we live in, the majority of us would likely respond, “We live in modern times.” The question arises, “When did modern times begin?” Often, we tie modern times to an invention that significantly changed the way people on earth live. The invention of the train, the plane, the electric light bulb, maybe the telephone, or the radio, definitely the television, and now the computer come to mind. The word modern has been in used in some context since the sixteenth century. You might believe in God, but those Bible times and antiquated ways of thinking, they are far behind us.

     As a Christian, I find modernity, while very convenient for the ease of daily living, it is at the same time very mesmerizing and highly distractive from the God’s theme and purpose in the saga of history. Every day that passes is another page in the unfolding story, yet we do not recognize, or at best, tend to ignore that there is an actual author. This view is not taking poetic license. God is intimately involved with both the small and large picture of life. Are we not a part of His continuing story?

his Mystery in history

Not only is God orchestrating world events, He has revealed the outline and focus of history in His word. The prophet Daniel, the Lord Jesus, and the Apostle John, as well as others, foretell literal events and the rise of kingdoms of history, those which began in Daniel’s time, resulting in the first advent of Christ. Jesus expands on the prophet Daniel, preparing us for the trials ahead. Some were to be sooner than others. Jerusalem fell in 70 A.D. a second time fulfilling the words of Jesus, yet Daniel’s words still fresh on Christ’s lips spoke of a future for the great city. The ball is passed to John next, and he, caught up to heaven, reveals to us an end to history so dramatic and fantastic that its been figuratively rewritten into symbolic meaninglessness by interpretations of many modern theologians. John writes into the flow of the final fourth kingdom of the world mentioned by Daniel. The perseverance of the Roman Empire throughout history, according to Daniel, ties into these last days. What? Rome fell. Don’t let anyone tell you that. The eastern portion continued, and the west was eventually reclaimed as the Holy Roman Empire. The empire began to dissolve during Napoleon’s conquest and retreated into Germany and Austria until WWI. It was shortly before the war that the Aliyah, return of the Jews to the Holy Land, was gaining some momentum. The Balfour Declaration in Britain during 1917 brought a ray of hope for a wider expansion of the movement but stalled two decades due to international debate. Then, through the horror of WWII, God called the Jews home.  Now I know why I should have stayed awake in my Western Civ class. God was clearly fulfilling, what is now, Bible history up and through the twentieth century until the present time.

Thy Kingdom Come

Is hope of a literal coming kingdom of righteousness lost? Not for many of us. We now live in a day looked forward to by the prophets. It’s a day when the Great City has been reborn. The rebirth of Jerusalem, as the capital of the Jewish nation, has been a couple of generations in the making. Pray for the peace of Jerusalem admonishes Psalm 122. This is our narrow focus. The focus and intensity of the final chapters of history play out here. In contrast, we are charged with the wide focus of Matthew 24:14, and this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.

This charge seems to be a reality in the making for this next generation according to Wycliffe Bible translators. Coincidence, or is scripture coming alive right before our eyes? So, if we are living at a time when predicted biblical events are occurring, dare we say, we are living in Bible times? I say, “Be brave, be bold, and go against the flow.” Next time the discussion gets around to the wonders of our modern times, there’s your opportunity. Hijack the topic. We also live in Bible times.

Babylon the Great. NYC?

The Identity of Babylon the Great

Much of the focus of those attempting to identify the beast and the harlot, known as Babylon the Great, center on the Vatican in Rome. From Daniel’s four kingdoms we learn that Rome is definitely involved, but this does not necessarily indicate the Roman Catholic Church. Proponents of this view point to her opulent description in Revelation 28 and the cargoes of purple, silk, scarlet cloth, and a whole host of luxuries as evidence Babylon the Great is the Vatican. As evidence, they display pictures of the ornate robes and cloths of the Roman Church. In comparison to the total description of the harlot, this is very meager evidence. This is a leftover charge from the Reformation that has been carried on by certain sects and denominations. There is really nothing mentioned of religious influence by Babylon the Great.

A City on Seven Hills

Babylon sits on seven hills. The mountains or hills are kings who represent kingdoms that Babylon lords influence over, see Revelation 17:9. Proponents of the Reformation viewpoint cite the fact that Rome is known as the city on seven hills. The seven hills of Rome are really nothing more than minor ridges that visitors to Rome would hardly notice. A brief search on the internet will reveal that there are many cities on earth that can claim seven hills. The remnants of the Roman Empire are the European Union. The most popular belief is that the antichrist will lead a revived Roman Empire which may be symbolized by the city of Rome itself. I don’t disagree with this. The identification of the harlot is separate from these seven hills. She has influence over the beast’s empire but it is a separate entity.

An Immoral Influence

The antichrist, the beast, is thought to gain control of this revived Roman Empire. At the end of his short rule, he is used by God to destroy Babylon the Great, a great trader nation that corrupts the whole world with its immorality. Babylon the Great is the great city that reigns over the kings of the earth. Who has more influence and power in the world than America? Babylon promotes immorality. This is reason to theorize that the target could well be New York City which is the home of Broadway. The city eventually lost many of its participants to Hollywood to escape the control Broadway was exerting over the entertainment and movie industry. Hollywood industry has been a major contributor to the decline of morality on the entire planet. Broadway and Hollywood’s immorality and X ratings have been influencing the world for several generations now.

She Sits as a Queen

NYC is the location of the United Nations. She sits as a queen. Think Statue of Liberty. The U.S. has had much influence over the world militarily since WWII. The waters you saw, where the prostitute sits, are peoples, multitudes, nations and languages, Revelation 17:15. America has been a melting pot for immigrants from throughout the world. The antichrist, as leader of a reborn Roman Empire, could become very jealous of the U.S. This, again, is seven or more years after the influence of all true Christianity is missing from the earth. Who has been the greatest trader nation on earth? Read in chapter 18 of the extensive description of luxurious wares that Babylon the Great offers to traders of the world.

The Beast, God’s Tool

Then comes the destruction of the harlot by God’s tool, the beast, Revelation 18:9-24. Every shipmaster stood at a distance to see the smoke of her burning. The U.S. is surrounded by oceans. Much trade comes across the Atlantic and Pacific. Therefore, the revived Roman Empire under the antichrist vs. the U.S. seems a logical conflict. Is there a better candidate? The Vatican, as some demand, is a very poor candidate to fill the description of Babylon the Great in chapter 17-18. Yes, again, all this speculation, but let’s follow the evidence. It seems strong.