The Identity of Babylon the Great
Much of the focus of those attempting to identify the beast and the harlot, known as Babylon the Great, center on the Vatican in Rome. From Daniel’s four kingdoms we learn that Rome is definitely involved, but this does not necessarily indicate the Roman Catholic Church. Proponents of this view point to her opulent description in Revelation 28 and the cargoes of purple, silk, scarlet cloth, and a whole host of luxuries as evidence Babylon the Great is the Vatican. As evidence, they display pictures of the ornate robes and cloths of the Roman Church. In comparison to the total description of the harlot, this is very meager evidence. This is a leftover charge from the Reformation that has been carried on by certain sects and denominations. There is really nothing mentioned of religious influence by Babylon the Great.
A City on Seven Hills
Babylon sits on seven hills. The mountains or hills are kings who represent kingdoms that Babylon lords influence over, see Revelation 17:9. Proponents of the Reformation viewpoint cite the fact that Rome is known as the city on seven hills. The seven hills of Rome are really nothing more than minor ridges that visitors to Rome would hardly notice. A brief search on the internet will reveal that there are many cities on earth that can claim seven hills. The remnants of the Roman Empire are the European Union. The most popular belief is that the antichrist will lead a revived Roman Empire which may be symbolized by the city of Rome itself. I don’t disagree with this. The identification of the harlot is separate from these seven hills. She has influence over the beast’s empire but it is a separate entity.
An Immoral Influence
The antichrist, the beast, is thought to gain control of this revived Roman Empire. At the end of his short rule, he is used by God to destroy Babylon the Great, a great trader nation that corrupts the whole world with its immorality. Babylon the Great is the great city that reigns over the kings of the earth. Who has more influence and power in the world than America? Babylon promotes immorality. This is reason to theorize that the target could well be New York City which is the home of Broadway. The city eventually lost many of its participants to Hollywood to escape the control Broadway was exerting over the entertainment and movie industry. Hollywood industry has been a major contributor to the decline of morality on the entire planet. Broadway and Hollywood’s immorality and X ratings have been influencing the world for several generations now.
She Sits as a Queen
NYC is the location of the United Nations. She sits as a queen. Think Statue of Liberty. The U.S. has had much influence over the world militarily since WWII. The waters you saw, where the prostitute sits, are peoples, multitudes, nations and languages, Revelation 17:15. America has been a melting pot for immigrants from throughout the world. The antichrist, as leader of a reborn Roman Empire, could become very jealous of the U.S. This, again, is seven or more years after the influence of all true Christianity is missing from the earth. Who has been the greatest trader nation on earth? Read in chapter 18 of the extensive description of luxurious wares that Babylon the Great offers to traders of the world.
The Beast, God’s Tool
Then comes the destruction of the harlot by God’s tool, the beast, Revelation 18:9-24. Every shipmaster stood at a distance to see the smoke of her burning. The U.S. is surrounded by oceans. Much trade comes across the Atlantic and Pacific. Therefore, the revived Roman Empire under the antichrist vs. the U.S. seems a logical conflict. Is there a better candidate? The Vatican, as some demand, is a very poor candidate to fill the description of Babylon the Great in chapter 17-18. Yes, again, all this speculation, but let’s follow the evidence. It seems strong.