At the sixth seal, the earth undergoes a cataclysm unlike
any other since recorded history began. Every island and mountain are literally
moved out of their places. This is a tectonic event that will decimate
civilization. It will be everyman and nation
for themselves. This disaster will topple not only structures around the
planet, but governments and financial institutions as well. From the ashes, so
to speak, Europe will struggle to regain its footing among all the chaos. This will
be prime time for the antichrist to make his move. The economic situation will
take such a hit that business as usual will not be able to recover without
extreme measures of intervention. The collapse will make the Great Depression
pale in comparison to these events. The degree of this economic distress will
require intervention by an authoritarian body/individual that can bring order
out of the confusion. Under the guise of keeping order, the New Roman Empire
(figuratively identified) will institute emergency measures to restore some semblance
of financial order.
Migration and the influx of refugees to Europe has been a crisis since 2015 1.
To maintain control during this state of emergency, the government will require
everyone to register and pledge full allegiance to the new fuhrer (no, he will
not be called that, but he will resemble Hitler in the end). During the second
half of the Great Tribulation this allegiance will be demonstrated by a mark on
the hand or forehead if a hand is not available. The mark will equalize the
formerly rich and the poor. There will be rationing so keeping track of the
purchase of essential goods can be done by a chip inserted with the mark. The
mark will, in addition, visually indicate the presence of the chip, and the
chip will verify the identification of the marked individual.
The beast will seem to be earth’s only hope. His initial reception will be as a
beneficent savior in a time of peril. He will be the man for the hour with the
power. He we be successful in his consolidation of rule on the continent and
begin his spread to the east to quell turmoil coming from that direction.
Israel, in need of support from the west can no longer rely upon U.S. support.
They will be a sitting duck for the antichrist. As Israel is still a nuclear
power and a strong military presence in the area, he will make a peace treaty with
them which seemingly guarantees Israel’s control over its own borders moving on
to consolidate power and stability in other Mideast nations.
As the antichrist consolidates power in the Mideast, he will be confronted with a new problem. Two prophets have appeared in Jerusalem. They are announcing the soon appearing of the Messiah and preaching to the population to repent and turn to God. They will be supernaturally empowered for the first half of the Great Tribulation to defeat their enemies. Despite their supernatural power, the majority of the humanistic and hedonistic population will not yield to their message. The midpoint arrives. The antichrist can no longer allow his rule to be threatened. The peace treaty he made three and a half years earlier will be broken. The antichrist, empowered by Satan as the beast, will send a force into Israel and be allowed to overcome these two prophets for the moment. The world will rejoice at the deaths of these two fire and brimstone preachers. There dead bodies will remain in the streets for the world to view in the media. Three and a half days later the world will watch in fear and awe as the two are resurrected from the dead, and on the audible command of God, they ascend to heaven. This is the event that puts the deluded false messiah over the top. He now, to reestablish his dominance in Israel, desecrates the rebuilt temple in Jerusalem. In the site of the largely secular Jewish population, this is not so much blasphemy as it is a symbolic demonstration of his now complete rule in the Mideast. He will unleash a great persecution on conservative and orthodox Jews, many who are now turning to messiah. These he will pursue to destroy them. God will provide a path of escape to a place of sanctuary for the second half of the Great Tribulation. Once their escape is complete, the antichrist will go after the remnant of those who trust in Jesus and will not take the mark of the beast.
Next, a supposedly successful assassination draws attention to the antichrist. A seeming resurrection of the beast leads to his further glory among the masses. He is worshiped by the world. This adoration goes to his head, and he blasphemes God and the host of Heaven. His crusade of conquest goes world-wide to all nations.
A second beast now enters the drama. He lends support and directs the world to worship the first beast. He demonstrates supernatural powers such as causing fire to fall from heaven. It will seem that those two witnesses that were just disposed of had nothing compared to the combined powers of these two beasts. The campaign continues to go world-wide. There is one world power still standing in their way, Babylon the Great.
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/European_migrant_crisis