The predictive events of Revelation begin with the seals of chapter 6. Some claim the Book of Revelation is not written in order of events. This allows freedom to create alternate version of the events including the timing of the rapture of the church. A favorite manipulation involves swapping the heavenly disaster of the bowls of seal seven with the falling stars of seal six. Careful comparisons of these events reveal dissimilarities that are hard to reconcile. Each chapter of Revelation is a natural step and builds to the events of the next. The events of the first four horsemen, seals one to four, are a logical progression. They are not necessarily dependent on each other. A Plague can occur at any time, but the order following war has been repeated often in history. These seals can describe the last twenty centuries, but they can also describe the 20th century in itself with the two great World Wars, the second to stop the conquest of Germany.

Chp 6 – Horseman 1 –>   Conquest brings Horseman 2 –>   War brings Horseman 3 –>   Poverty/Famine brings Horseman 4 –>   Plague and Death followed by Seal 5–>   the martyrs wonder how much longer will this all go on before the 2nd Advent?
Seal 6 –>   brings the BEGINNING OF THE END – falling stars (asteroids) decimate the earth, governments in chaos — > 
Chp 7 – sealing of the 144,000 for protection from the locust of Revelation 9 and the RAPTURED CHURCH appears in heaven (likely right at the falling stars) –> 
Chp 8 – Seal 7 –> more disaster from heaven, world in turmoil, needs a strong leader –> 
Chp 9 – locust plague the earth for 5 months, a war takes place allowing the victor, the antichrist, to come to power–> 
Chp 10 – parenthesis (business in heaven) –> 
Chp 11 – the 2 prophets prophesy during the peace made with the antichrist for the first half of the prophetic week, Dan.9:27 (3 ½ yrs) then martyred –> 
Chp 12 – parenthesis (overview of the war with Satan since the 1st Advent) –> 
Chp 13 – antichrist sets up the abomination in the temple, Dan.12:11, forces all to be marked 666 –> 
Chp 14 – the 144,000 RAPTURED (their work is done) –> 
Chp 15 – seven plagues announced –> 
Chp 16 –  first of six plagues poured out, kings gathered for Armageddon, the seventh plague brings the end, greatest earthquake of history ,100lb hailstones on Babylon the Great–> 
Chp 17 – the mystery of Babylon the Great detailed, the 10 Kings join with the antichrist and prepare to destroy Babylon the great city who rules over the kings of earth –>   

Chp 18 – lament over the coming fall of Babylon, warning for God’s people to come out of her, description of the great city, antichrist destroys Babylon with fire –> 
Chp 19 – 2ND ADVENT Jesus defeats the armies gathered at Armageddon, beast and false prophet thrown into lake of fire –> 
Chp 20 – the first resurrection, the millennium, the judgment –> 
Chp 21 – the New Heaven and New Earth, New Jerusalem –> 
Chp 22 – epilogue