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How Well Do You Know Daniel?

1. What were the four parts of the statue made of from the head down?

Iron, Silver, Bronze, and Gold
Silver, Gold, Bronze, and Iron
Gold, Silver, Bronze, and Iron
Iron, Bronze, Silver, and Gold

2. What were each of the 70 weeks of Daniel's prophecy symbolic of?

7 days
7 weeks
7 months
7 years

3. There were 2 decrees to rebuild Jerusalem which date was successful?

About 457 B.C. - Ezra 4:12-17
About 444 B.C. - Nehemiah 2:1-9
About 536 B.C. - Ezra 1:1
About 539 B.C. - Daniel 9:1-2

4. How many empires did Nebuchadnezzar's statue represent?


5. What were Nebuchadnezzar's first and last empires?

Greece and Rome
Medo-Persia and Rome
Babylon and Egypt
Babylon and Rome

6. How many weeks were there to be until Messiah?


7. When does the 70th week take place?

In the future
In 70 A.D.
When Rome legalizes Christianity
Seventy weeks after the crucifixion

8. What happens in the middle of week 70?

Sacrifices are ended
The temple is destroyed
Jesus returns
Babylon the Great falls

9. What was special about the leopard beast in Daniel 7?

It had four heads
It had four wings
It had four heads and four wings
It had two heads and two wings

10. What was Daniel told would happen at the end time?

War and Famine would increase
Peace and prosperity would increase
Wisdom and knowledge would increase
Knowledge and travel would increase

11. According to Daniel, was to happen after the Messiah was cut off?

Jerusalem would be destroyed
Christ would resurrect
The disciples would scatter
The land would turn dark

12. From the beginning of the week in Daniel 12, how long will it be until the abomination is set up?

1260 Days
1290 Days
1335 Days
2520 Days