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How Well Do You Know Revelation?

1. The four angels relaeased at the Euphrates which touches which countries

Iraq, Syria, Turkey, and Russia
Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Syria, and Turkey
Iraq, Jordan, Syria, and Turkey
Iraq, Syria, Iran, and Turkey

2. When is the Battle of Armageddon?

At the 2nd Coming of Christ
When 4 angels are released at the Euphrates
After the Millenium
None of these

3. What event just precededs the seventh trumpet?

The resurrection of the two witnesses
The beast going to war against God's Holy people
The mark of the beast
The rise of the 2nd beast

4. Which of these did not happen during the bowls of wrath?

The Euphrates River is dried up
Many who took the mark of the beast repent
People are covered with burns and sores
The Seas and rivers turn to blood

5. What happened to the 144,000?

They became martyrs of the Great Tribulation
They fled with Israel into the wilderness
They were raptured mid-tribulation
The were witnesses throughout the tribulation

6. What doesn't one of the three angels speak out in Revelation 14?

Warns against taking the mark of the beast
Fortells the beast's impending destruction
Declares the fall of Babylon the Great
Preaches the gospel in the whole world

7. Why does the woman shown riding the back of the beast?

She is going along with the beast's plan
She is in charge of the beast's plans
She is the second beast
She has great power over the world

8. Which of these do the seven heads of the beast represent?

Seven hills
Seven kings
Eight kings
All of these

9. Which of these happens to the great city, possibly Jerusalem or Babylon, during the bowls?

It's split into three parts
Half the city was destroyed
It was protected by God's angels
None of these

10. Which tribes are not names in the 144,000?

Jacob and Levi"
Joseph and Napthali
Dan and Ephraim
Ephraim and Mannasseh

11. Where is the ark of the covenant?

In the Heaven
Hidden in the City Jerusalem
It was lost when Israel was taken to Babylon
It was destroyed by Nebuchadnezzar

12. Which part of the tree of life is for healing?

The flowers
The leaves
The fruit
The fruit